The Wages of Destruction The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy
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Penguin Books UKSeitenzahl
Adam Tooze's The Wages of Destruction: The Making and Breaking of the Nazi Economy provides a groundbreaking new account of how Hitler established himself in power, mobilized for war - and led his country to annihilation.
Was the tragedy of the Second World War determined by Nazi Germany's terrifying power, or by its fatal weakness?
This gripping and universally-acclaimed new history tells the real story of the cost of Hitler's plans for world domination - and will overturn everything you thought you knew about the Third Reich.
'A tour de force' Niall Ferguson
'Masterful ... smashes a gallery of preconceptions' The Times
'This book will change the way we look at Nazi history ... nothing less than a masterpiece. Rejoice, rejoice, for a great historian is born' Sunday Telegraph
'A remarkable and gripping revision of the history of Nazi Germany' New Statesman Books of the Year
'A powerful and provocative reassessment of the whole story' Richard Overy
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