It’s time to bring the world of Dunder Mifflin to your card nights, with The Office Playing Cards. If you don’t love The Office, the chances are you don’t actually have a pulse and should seek immediate medical treatment. It’s the greatest sitcom ever made, period. That’s why we’re making these celebratory (and practical) playing cards, to immortalise our undying love for The Office.
Printed on high-quality card material, this deck is a standard poker set, with the four classic suits. Each suit celebrates our favourite The Office characters. Regional Manager Dwight Schrute is spades; the lovebirds Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly represent clubs; Ryan Howard takes diamonds; and Michael Scott is hearts because, well, we just love to love him. But of course, it’s Creed Bratton himself who is the joker of the deck.
It’s time to bring the world of Dunder Mifflin to your card nights, with The Office Playing Cards. If you don’t love The Office, the chances are you don’t actually have a pulse and should seek immediate medical treatment. It’s the greatest sitcom ever made, period. That’s why we’re making these celebratory (and practical) playing cards, to immortalise our undying love for The Office.
Printed on high-quality card material, this deck is a standard poker set, with the four classic suits. Each suit celebrates our favourite The Office characters. Regional Manager Dwight Schrute is spades; the lovebirds Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly represent clubs; Ryan Howard takes diamonds; and Michael Scott is hearts because, well, we just love to love him. But of course, it’s Creed Bratton himself who is the joker of the deck.
Printed on high-quality card material, this deck is a standard poker set, with the four classic suits. Each suit celebrates our favourite The Office characters. Regional Manager Dwight Schrute is spades; the lovebirds Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly represent clubs; Ryan Howard takes diamonds; and Michael Scott is hearts because, well, we just love to love him. But of course, it’s Creed Bratton himself who is the joker of the deck.
It’s time to bring the world of Dunder Mifflin to your card nights, with The Office Playing Cards. If you don’t love The Office, the chances are you don’t actually have a pulse and should seek immediate medical treatment. It’s the greatest sitcom ever made, period. That’s why we’re making these celebratory (and practical) playing cards, to immortalise our undying love for The Office.
Printed on high-quality card material, this deck is a standard poker set, with the four classic suits. Each suit celebrates our favourite The Office characters. Regional Manager Dwight Schrute is spades; the lovebirds Jim Halpert and Pam Beesly represent clubs; Ryan Howard takes diamonds; and Michael Scott is hearts because, well, we just love to love him. But of course, it’s Creed Bratton himself who is the joker of the deck.
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