Psychology For Dummies

Psychology For Dummies

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Psychology For Dummies

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  • Psychology For Dummies
  • Introduction 1

    About This Book 1

    Foolish Assumptions 2

    Icons Used in This Book 2

    Beyond the Book 3

    Where to Go from Here 3

    Part 1: Getting Started with Psychology 5

    Chapter 1: The Purpose of Psychology 7

    Whys, Whats, and Hows of People 9

    A useful metaphor: Building a person 10

    Why? 11

    What? 11

    How? 12

    Troubleshooting 13

    Putting It All Back Together Again 14

    Chapter 2: Thinking and Behaving as a Psychologist 15

    The Core Activities of a Psychologist 17

    Experimental and research psychologists 17

    Applied psychologists 17

    Teachers/educators/professors 18

    Theoretical and philosophical psychologists 18

    How Do I Become a Psychologist? 18

    Getting Started with Metatheory and Frameworks 19

    Biological 20

    Behaviorism 20

    Cognitive 20

    Sociocultural 21

    Developmental 21

    Evolutionary 22

    Humanistic and existential 22

    Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic 22

    Feminism 23

    Postmodernism 23

    A Unifying Model? Working with the Biopsychosocial Model 24

    Feeling out the role of the body 24

    Thinking about the role of the mind 24

    Observing the role of the outside world 25

    Developing a good theory 27

    Seeking Truth 27

    Applying the scientific method 29

    Researching Matters 30

    Understanding descriptive research 30

    Doing experimental research 30

    Measuring one, measuring all with statistics 31

    Relating variables: Correlation versus causation 33

    Being "Good": Ethics in Psychology 35

    Part 2: Picking Your Brain (and Body) 37

    Chapter 3: Brains, Genes, and Behavior 39

    Believing in Biology 40

    The Biological "Control Room" 42

    Cells and Chemicals 44

    Networking and crossing the divide 45

    Branching out 47

    Activating brain change 47

    The Organization of the Brain 49

    Forebrain 50

    Midbrain 51

    Hindbrain 51

    Tiptoeing back and forth from the periphery 52

    Finding Destiny with DNA 52

    Understanding Psychopharmacology 53

    Easing depression 55

    Shushing the voices 55

    Relaxing 56

    Chapter 4: From Sensation to Perception 59

    Building Blocks: Our Senses 60

    The sensing process 61

    Seeing 62

    Hearing 65

    Touching and feeling pain 66

    Smelling and tasting 67

    Balancing and moving 68

    Finishing the Product: Perception 68

    Organizing by Principles 70

    Chapter 5: Exploring Consciousness 73

    Carving Awareness and Being at Its Joints 74

    Consciousness as an ability, skill, or process of the mind (and the brain) 74

    Consciousness as a state or type of awareness 75

    Catching some zzzzs 76

    Understanding tired brains, slipping minds 78

    Arriving at Work Naked: Dreams 79

    Altering Your Consciousness 80

    Getting high on conscious life 81

    Being conscious of my mind (meditative states) 82

    Falling into hypnosis 84

    Part 3: Thinking and Feeling and Acting 85

    Chapter 6: Thinking and Speaking 87

    What's on Your Mind? 88

    Thinking like a PC 89

    Turing's challenge 89

    Computing 90

    Representing 91

    Processing 91

    Modules, Parts, and Processes 92

    The attention process 93

    The memory process 94

    The knowing process 97

    The reasoning process 100

    The decision-making/choosing process 101

    The problem-solving process 104

    It's All about Connections 105

    Bodies and Minds 106

    Thinking You're Pretty Smart 108

    Considering the factors of intelligence 108

    Getting a closer look 109

    Adding in street smarts 110

    Excelling with multiple intelligences 111

    Making the grade - on a curve 112

    Figuring Out Language 114

    Babel-On 114

    Rules, syntax, and meaning 115

    Chapter 7: Needing, Wanting, Feeling 117

    What's My Motivation? 118

    Would you like some adrenaline with that bear? 119

    Feeling needy 120

    Knowing who's the boss 121

    Arousing interest in prime rib 123

    Getting cheaper long distance is rewarding 124

    Facing your opponent-process theory 125

    Believing in yourself 125

    Pleasure and pain 127

    Escaping psychological pain 128

    Launching Countless Bad Poems: Emotions 130

    Watch out for that sabertooth! 132

    Your brain on emotion 133

    Which comes first, the body or the mind? 135

    Expressing yourself 137

    Acknowledging anger 138

    Being happy 140

    Discovering your smart heart: Emotional intelligence and styles 142

    Being in Control 143

    Chapter 8: Barking up the Learning Tree: Dogs, Cats, and Rats 147

    Learning to Behave 149

    Drooling like Pavlov's Dogs 149

    Conditioning responses and stimuli 150

    Becoming extinct 152

    Classic generalizing and discriminating 153

    Conditioning rules! 154

    Battling theories: Why does conditioning work? 156

    Studying Thorndike's Cats 157

    Reinforcing the Rat Case 159

    Finding the right reinforcer 159

    Using punishment 161

    Scheduling and timing reinforcement 163

    Stimulus Control and Operant Generalization 165

    Operant Discrimination 166

    Part 4: Me, You, and Everything in Between 167

    Chapter 9: Myself and I 169

    Getting to the Magic Number 5 171

    They Made Me This Way 173

    Representing Ourselves 174

    Schemas 174

    Scripts 175

    It Depends on the Situation 176

    Feeling Self-Conscious 179

    Becoming aware of your body 180

    Keeping it private 180

    Showing it off 181

    Identifying Yourself 181

    Forging a personal identity 182

    Carving out a social identity 184

    Mustering up some self-esteem 185

    Chapter 10: Connecting 187

    Getting Attached 188

    Realizing even monkeys get the blues 188

    Attaching with style 189

    Cavorting with Family and Friends 191

    Parenting with panache 192

    Embracing your rival: Siblings 193

    Getting chummy: Bridge building 194

    Attraction, Romance, and Love 195

    How we choose the ones we love 195

    Love's expanse 196

    Connecting to Thoughts and Action 198

    Explaining others with person perception 198

    Minding "you" with theory of mind 201

    Dancing with others: Embodied social cognition theories 202

    Communication Skills 202

    Asking questions 203

    Explaining 204

    Listening 204

    Asserting yourself 205

    Chapter 11: Getting Along or Not 207

    Playing Your Part 208

    Ganging Up in a Group 209

    Conforming 210

    Doing better with help 212

    Kicking back 213

    Remaining anonymous 213

    Thinking as one 214

    Persuading 215

    Credibility of communicator 216

    Delivery approach 216

    Audience engagement 217

    Age of audience 217

    Being Mean 218

    Acting naturally 218

    Being frustrated 219

    Doing what's learned 219

    Lending a Helping Hand 221

    Why help? 221

    When to help? 224

    Who gives and receives help? 225

    Birds of a Feather or Not 226

    Examining isms 226

    Understanding discrimination 227

    Making contact 228

    Chapter 12: Growing Up with Psychology 229

    Beginning with Conception and Birth 230

    Xs and Ys get together 230

    Uniting and dividing all in one night 231

    Going from Diapers to Drool 233

    Survival instincts 233

    Motoring about 234

    Flexing their muscles 235

    Scheduling time for schemata 235

    Getting your sensorimotor running 237

    Learning within the lines 238

    Saying what you think 239

    Blooming social butterflies 240

    Getting on the Big Yellow Bus 241

    Mastering the crayon 241

    Being preoperational doesn't mean you're having surgery 242

    In the zone 243

    Becoming even more social 243

    Agonizing over Adolescence 244

    Pining over puberty 244

    Moving away from parents 245

    Existing as a Grown-Up 246

    Looking at you 246

    Connecting and working 246

    Aging and Geropsychology 247

    Chapter 13: Psychology in the Digital Age 249

    Love and Robots 250

    Talk to the box 251

    Me and my friends 252

    That perfect someone 253

    Digitized (d)evolution 254

    The Dark Side of the Digital World 256

    Say that to my face 256

    Hooked on the Internet 257

    Bullying moves from the schoolyard to the desktop 258

    Can Technology Make Us Better at Being Human? 260

    Part 5: Adapting and Struggling 261

    Chapter 14: Coping When Life Gets Rough 263

    Stressing Out 264

    Ways to think about stress 264

    The causes of stress 268

    The impact of stress 269

    Crisis: Accumulated or overwhelming stress 271

    Posttraumatic stress disorder 273

    The stress of loss 274

    Coping is No Gamble 275

    Learning how to cope 276

    Finding resources 276

    Chapter 15: Modern Abnormal Psychology 279

    What Is" Abnormal" Anyway? 280

    Who decides what's normal? 281

    Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Model 282

    Defining Mental Disorders 283

    Psychotic Disorders: Grasping for Reality 286

    Schizophrenia 286

    Other types of psychoses 290

    Feeling Funky: Depression 292

    Staying in the rut of major depression 292

    Depression's causes 293

    Treating depression 295

    Bipolar Disorder: Riding the Waves 295

    Bipolar disorder's causes 297

    Treating bipolar disorder 297

    Panic Disorders 297

    Panic disorder's causes 300

    Treating panic disorder 300

    Mental Disorders in Young People 301

    Dealing with ADHD 302

    Autism: Living in a world of one's own 303

    Let's Talk about Stigma 305

    Part 6: Repairing, Healing, and Thriving 307

    Chapter 16: Testing, Assessment, and Evaluation 309

    Answering the Call 310

    What kinds of tests and instruments are there? 311

    What kind of evaluations do psychologists do? 312

    The Interview and Evaluation Process 312

    Interviewing and observing 313

    History taking 317

    Checking under the Hood with Psychological Testing 318

    Standardization 318

    Reliability 319

    Validity 319

    More Detail on Testing Types 320

    Clinical testing 320

    Educational/achievement testing 321

    Personality testing 322

    Intelligence testing 323

    Neuropsychological and cognitive testing 323

    Keeping Them Honest 325

    Chapter 17: We Can Help! 327

    Is It Time for Professional Help? 328

    Types of help 330

    The Crown Jewel of Therapy: Psychotherapy 333

    Good ethics is good therapy 334

    The common factors model 335

    Major Schools of Therapy 337

    Psychodynamic therapies 338

    Behavior therapy 342

    Exposure-based therapies 343

    Cognitive therapy 344

    Playing together nicely: Behavior and cognitive therapies 346

    Acceptance and mindfulness-based therapies 347

    Dialectical behavior therapy 348

    Client-centered therapy 350

    Emotion-focused therapy 354

    Empirically Supported Treatments for Specific Problems 356

    ESTs for depression 357

    ESTs for anxiety and trauma 357

    ESTs for disorders in children 358

    Chapter 18: Be Positive! Fostering Wellness, Growth, and Strength 359

    Going beyond Stress: The Psychology of Health 360

    Preventing illness 360

    Making changes 360

    Intervening 362

    Harnessing the Power of Positivity 363

    Stepping Up! 365

    High-performance skills 366

    Choking versus being clutch 366

    Acquiring the Bionic Brain 367

    Doing smart drugs 368

    Hitting the limits of the skull 369

    Part 7: The Part of Tens 371

    Chapter 19: Ten Tips for Maintaining Psychological Well-Being 373

    Accept Yourself 375

    Strive for Self-Determination 375

    Stay Connected and Nurture Relationships 375

    Lend a Helping Hand 376

    Find Meaning and Purpose and Work toward Goals 376

    Find Hope and Maintain Faith 377

    Find Flow and Be Engaged 377

    Enjoy the Beautiful Things in Life 377

    Struggle to Overcome; Learn to Let Go 378

    Don't Be Afraid to Change 378

    Chapter 20: Ten Great Psychological Movies and Shows 379

    One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest 380

    A Clockwork Orange 380

    Ordinary People 381

    Girl, Interrupted 381

    The Silence of the Lambs 382

    Sybil 382

    The Matrix 383

    Black Mirror 384

    True Detective (Seasons 1 and Season 3) 384

    Psycho 385

    Index 387