14 - 18 Jahr(e)
Sourcebooks IncSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,6/14,3/2,5 cm
329 g
Desperate to reach her grieving mother, Mira joins a group of college students driving home after their flight is stranded, but the road conditions are not the only mortal danger they face.
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Road Trip from Hell
Sabrina Reiter aus Wien, Donauzentrum am 21.10.2020
Bewertungsnummer: 383577
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
If you are looking for a YA thriller that's perfect for the month of October, you should try "Five total strangers".
Because it's also the anniversary of her aunt's death, Mira really needs to be home for the holidays. But a bad snowstorm results in her flight being cancelled. The only way now to make it home for Christmas is going by car. Even though, she is not crazy about the idea and does feel a bit uneasy about it, Mira joins four strangers and they embark on their journey together. Not long after their departure, however, strange things start happening and things disappearing. Is it safe to continue with her travel companions or should Mira abandon them while she still has the chance?
I love the concept of this book, but I am not overly happy with its execution.
This book is quite eerie at times, which is very fitting to the overall storyline, but then again feels quite lengthy, which takes away from the suspense.
I like that you don't know who you can and cannot trust. Even though, it's partly exhausting, it's also very exciting, definitely holds your attention and keeps you engaged and guessing throughout the whole book.
The biggest issue I have with this book is that I feel like some things just don't add up. I cannot go into any detail without spoilering, but let me just say that some of the twists just seem very incidental and too convenient to me. Either that, or I missed something.
"Five Total Strangers" did not blow me away by any means, but I still enjoyed reading it. If you are looking for something eerie and spine-chilling, you should definitely give it a try.
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