Gebundene Ausgabe
Blackthorn BooksSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
22,2/14,5/2,5 cm
652 g
NOTE: This is the special edition print of Empire of Lust. To find the ebook and audiobook, please look for the main edition. From the internationally bestselling author, Rina Kent, comes a new standalone book about a power couple who are each other's villains. My boss. My hell. When I slept with a faceless jock as a teen, I didn't think I would become pregnant. I also didn't think I would lose that child. Several years later, I find out that my daughter is alive and I'm given a second chance. One problem, though. The faceless jock isn't so faceless anymore. He has a name everyone fears; Kingsley Shaw. A ruthless bastard. A heartless devil. And most importantly, my daughter's father. Oh, and he hates me as much as I hate him. We're out to destroy one another with all methods available. Including a dangerous game of lust that might lead to our downfall. Empire of Lust is a complete STANDALONE. No other books should be read prior to this.
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