Warriors: The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition A Collectible Gift for Warriors Fans
30,99 €
inkl. MwSt,
Gebundene Ausgabe
8 - 12 Jahr(e)
Harper Collins (US)Seitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
23,8/19,5/2,4 cm
898 g
1 code. 5 Clans. Countless destinies.
Step inside the world of Erin Hunter's #1 bestselling Warriors series with the ULTIMATE guide to the cats and Clans.
In this updated and expanded edition celebrating 20 years of Warriors, discover all-new interior art and never-before-seen bonus content. This gorgeous full-color guide includes:
- Profiles of more than 85 of the most important warrior cats
- An insider look at each of the Clans
- The stories of how Bramblestar and Tigerstar received their nine lives
- An exclusive, never-before-seen glimpse at Firestar and Graystripe's view from StarClan
- And more!
No Warriors collection is complete without this ultimate gift for the ultimate fan!
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