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Good Material

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Maße (L/B/H)

24/16/3,7 cm


586 g





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2 Bewertungen

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Your personal warm hug from Dolly

Bewertung am 15.12.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 2088524

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

If you loved the „dear Dolly“ book, you‘ll love this one. This book is about love (like all of Dolly’s books), but not only about romantic love to your SO, but to your friends, to your family and to yourself. This book has two parts, at first your read from a male perspective and it‘s mostly heartbreaking, but also hilarious at times :) all the little jokes and remarks about male friendships, the stand-up comedy scene and modern culture were too good And right at the end the perspective changes to a female one and it felt like an honest chat with a dear (girl-)friend that knows you since ages and just gets you. And again, this part too was about love - to your girlfriends, family, yourself and your own path in life. I loves this book! It took some time for me to get used to the pace of it, but it was worth it. A book, that is as heartwarming as it is sad at times. Made me very grateful for my own friends and loved ones

Your personal warm hug from Dolly

Bewertung am 15.12.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 2088524
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

If you loved the „dear Dolly“ book, you‘ll love this one. This book is about love (like all of Dolly’s books), but not only about romantic love to your SO, but to your friends, to your family and to yourself. This book has two parts, at first your read from a male perspective and it‘s mostly heartbreaking, but also hilarious at times :) all the little jokes and remarks about male friendships, the stand-up comedy scene and modern culture were too good And right at the end the perspective changes to a female one and it felt like an honest chat with a dear (girl-)friend that knows you since ages and just gets you. And again, this part too was about love - to your girlfriends, family, yourself and your own path in life. I loves this book! It took some time for me to get used to the pace of it, but it was worth it. A book, that is as heartwarming as it is sad at times. Made me very grateful for my own friends and loved ones


Loved it!

Leali aus Bonn am 22.11.2023

Bewertungsnummer: 2074154

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Funny, witty, kind of depressing at times but also very much relatable - would’ve been a solid 4 star book but then Jen‘s perspective started and I have to give 5 stars. Her side of the breakup changed everything - I love the the realisation that you believed the protagonist for 300 pages straight and made Jen out to be the villain and Andy to be the good guy when in reality that is just not true. It’s a very good representation of humans questioning and hating their ex-partners after a breakup, dismissing the fact that they might’ve done something wrong too. I also adored Jen’s honest thoughts about children, relationships and finding your own way, I feel like it’s something a lot of women can relate to. Great concept, I’ve never read a book quite like it.

Loved it!

Leali aus Bonn am 22.11.2023
Bewertungsnummer: 2074154
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Funny, witty, kind of depressing at times but also very much relatable - would’ve been a solid 4 star book but then Jen‘s perspective started and I have to give 5 stars. Her side of the breakup changed everything - I love the the realisation that you believed the protagonist for 300 pages straight and made Jen out to be the villain and Andy to be the good guy when in reality that is just not true. It’s a very good representation of humans questioning and hating their ex-partners after a breakup, dismissing the fact that they might’ve done something wrong too. I also adored Jen’s honest thoughts about children, relationships and finding your own way, I feel like it’s something a lot of women can relate to. Great concept, I’ve never read a book quite like it.


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Good Material

von Dolly Alderton


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