MB Publishing LLCSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,3/13,3/2 cm
424 g
The King of Darkness is dead. It's time for a new one to rise... London Crow isn't who I thought she was. She's worse. My hate for her knows no bounds. My need for her has no end. But it's my inability to have her that might just end us all, as the fates refuse to be ignored. Now, there's a darkness sweeping the streets of Rathe, threatening to destroy the Kingdom we know and love, and it's all because of her. The mate I can't have. The bond I can't let go. There is only one way to restore balance, and it begins and ends with her. The problem? I broke the girl into a thousand tiny pieces without a second thought. Earning her forgiveness won't be easy, but that's fine. If she won't give it freely, I will take it. One mistake at a time. -- This is book two in the Lord of Rathe Duet and the conclusion to Knight and London's story. Book one is titled: Fate of a Royal.
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