How to Stop Destroying Your Relationships
A Guide to Enjoyable Dating, Mating and Relating
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Lost enough loves for three lifetimes? Want to break bad habits and replace them with good ones that last?
Whether you are male or female, single or married, gay or straight, Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), created by world renowned therapist Dr. Albert Ellis, can help anyone-at any age-learn to maintain healthy and lasting love. Simple and effective, the proven REBT techniques in this landmark book show you how to relate lovingly and intimately, for the long-term.
Using a non-judgmental approach, here is more than just a guide to getting along better with a "significant other." You'll also find help for improving relationships with friends, children, and even in-laws. Discover practical information on:
*Getting Your Relationships Together by Getting Yourself Together
*Realistic Views of Couplehood
*Communicating and Problem-Solving
*Better Sex for Better Couplehood
*Saving Time and Money and Enjoying Life More
*Having or Not Having Children
*Building a Deep and Lasting Relationship
*Self-coping statements and exercises to keep you emotionally fit
...and much more to help you take matters into your own hands-and heart-and stop the cycle of relationship ruin. With healing doses of wisdom and humor, Dr. Ellis puts you firmly on the path toward a lifetime of love.
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