11 - 18 Jahr(e)
Bloomsbury TradeSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
19,8/12,8/2,2 cm
264 g
Would she ever find a real-life husband? Would she even find a partner to dance with at tonight's ball? She just didn't know.
Anna Austen has always been told she must marry rich. Her future depends upon it. While her dear cousin Fanny has a little more choice, she too is under pressure to find a suitor.
But how can either girl know what she wants? Is finding love even an option? The only person who seems to have answers is their Aunt Jane. She has never married. In fact, she's perfectly happy, so surely being single can't be such a bad thing?
The time will come for each of the Austen girls to become the heroines of their own stories. Will they follow in Jane's footsteps?
In this witty, sparkling novel of choices, popular historian LUCY WORSLEY brings alive the delightful life of Jane Austen as you've never seen it before.
'Enter the world of Jane Austen, with a cast of characters as you've never seen them before. This delightful coming-of-age story... features strong female characters and a plot that tackles the struggles women faced during the period' - Historic Royal Palace Inside Story Magazine
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