Before I Do a funny and unexpected love story from the author of THIS TIME NEXT YEAR
9,99 €
12,00 €
inkl. MwSt,
Hodder And StoughtonSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
19,1/12,9/3,5 cm
280 g
From the New York Times bestselling author of Just Haven't Met You Yet and This Time Next Year
'Romantic, wise and LOVELY' Marian Keyes
What would you do if the one that got away turned up the night before your wedding?
Audrey is marrying Josh; steady, dependable Josh, the love of her life. They share a flat and a bank account, and it's the only relationship that Audrey's ever had that feels like something she can put her trust in. But romance should be full of fireworks, and as the big day approaches, Audrey's found herself wondering if Josh really is 'the one'.
So, when Josh's sister Miranda arrives at their rehearsal dinner with Fred - Audrey's 'What If?' guy, the man she met six years ago and had one amazing day with but never saw again - Audrey can't help but see it as a sign.
Surely Fred's appearance the night before Audrey is due to get married can't be a coincidence. And when everything that could go wrong with the wedding starts to go wrong, Audrey has to wonder: could fate be trying to stop her from making a huge mistake?
Praise for Sophie Cousens:
'Heart-warming and unashamedly romantic' RUTH JONES
'Sparkling and uplifting' MHAIRI MCFARLANE
'Sweet and heartwarming' LINDSEY KELK
'Utterly brilliant, delightfully funny and impossible to put down' CATHY BRAMLEY
Want more from Sophie Cousens? Pre order her next brilliant novel, The Good Part, now!
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