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will forever be recommending this
Isabella am 25.09.2022
Bewertungsnummer: 1793648
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
I ran out of sticky notes while reading this. How is it possibly not everyone and their mom is raving about People We Meet On Vacation? I freaking loved it. Poppy and Alex are sooo good together. They have great chemistry and clearly loved each other way before they admitted to it.
Alex is such a considerate and caring guy. He’s a nice guy, but the kind of nice you WANT to date. And he says things like “I want to get married and have kids and grandkids and get really fucking old with my wife, and to live in our house for so long that it smells like us. Like, I want to pick out fucking furniture and paint colors and do all that Linfield stuff you think is so unbearable, okay? That’s what I want. And I don’t want to wait. No one knows how long they get, and I don’t want ten more years to go by and to find out I have fucking dick cancer or something and it’s too late for me. That stuff is what matters to me.” How could you not love him? Poppy is the total opposite, but together they just make sense.
Poppy and Alex met in college and became best friends. They started going on trips together and did so until two years ago. The book switches between the present and past summers and I couldn’t wait to find out what happened between these two and why they haven’t been on vacation together for two years. The book definitely is a slow burn, the build up is amazing and the wait was so worth it. I feel like I will forever be recommending this book to everyone. This was my first Emily Henry book and I’m looking forward to reading more.
Also can we talk about how much prettier this new blue cover is, than the current orange one. Kind of makes me want to buy the new edition as well.
Total begeistert!
Bewertung am 07.01.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2103588
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)
Ich habe dieses Romance Buch so geliebt!
Die ganzen Reisen und die Zeitsprünge waren echt toll zu lesen, es war so schön die Beziehung von Alex und Poppy zu sehen und der Friends-to-Lovers Aspekt hat den beiden einfach so tiefe Gefühle gegeben, durch die gemeinsam durchleben Zeiten.Alex ist ein absoluter Bookboyfriend ich liebe ihn!!!Auch Poppy ist eine wunderbare Protagonistin und ein toller Mensch mit gutem Fashionsense.
Dieses Buch hat vorallem 5 Sterne von mir bekommen,da ich total viele Emotionen beim Lesen verspürt habe,vorrangig Freude und Trauer.
Das liegt wahrscheinlich an meiner Hypersensibilität , aber ich muss echt sagen dass es einige emotionale Szenen in dem Buch gab,in denen sich die Charakter ausgesprochen haben und ihr ganzes Herz vor dem anderen ausgeschüttet haben.Für Gute Kommunikation(abgesehen von dem einen Abend der zu der ganz komischen Situation in der Freundschaft führt) kann man die beiden auszeichnen, sie waren allgemein so liebevoll und wunderbar miteinander mir ist fast das Herz geschmolzen.
Ich liebe Emily Henry und muss mehr Bücher von ihr inhalieren!
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