London Triple 3 PopOut maps in one handy, pocket-size format
6,99 €
inkl. MwSt,
Popout MapsMaße (L/B/H)
13,2/9,6/2,2 cm
50 g
Deutsch, Englisch
Let PopOut London guide you around this wonderful city.
Put the wonderful & thrilling city of London in your pocket with this genuinely pocket-sized, pop-up map. Small in size, yet big on detail, this compact, dependable London city map will ensure you don't miss a thing.
* Includes three pop-up maps covering West End, central London, the whole of the Underground network
* Additional maps covering Southwark, buses and Theatreland are also included
* Handy, self-folding tourist map is small enough to fit in your pocket yet offers extensive coverage of the city in an easy-to-use format
* Thorough street index is also featured and cross-referenced to the map so you can easily find your destination
* Hotels, restaurants, stores and attractions are all included
Ideal to pop in a pocket or bag for quick reference while exploring this magical city.
Fold size: 95mm x 130mm / 3.75 inches x 5.25 inches
Sheet size: 215mm x 225mm / 8.5 inches x 9.75 inches
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