- 16%
ab 12 Jahr(e)
Random House LLC USSeitenzahl
Maße (L/B/H)
20,9/14,3/3,2 cm
370 g
A spellbinding romantasy about a powerful teenage witch who will do anything to escape the remote island where she s being held captive even blackmail the notorious, charming pirate who washes up on shore.
A dazzling debut with magic, pirates, sea monsters, and a steamy star-crossed romance. Aiden Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Cemetery Boys and The Sunbearer Trials
Rosalinda is trapped on Sinner s Isle, an island filled with young women like her Majestics, beautiful witches loathed by society for their dangerous magic yet revered by powerful men who want to use them.
For years, she has been kept under the watchful, calculating eye of Doña Lucia. Now eighteen, Rosa will be the prized commodity at this year s Offering, a fiesta for the wealthy to engage in drink, damsels, and debauchery. That is why she must flee before someone forces the vicious phantoms within her to destroy everything she touches.
Handsome, swashbuckling Mariano has long sailed the high seas as the Prince of Pirates. Then the king s fleet attacks his father s infamous ship, leaving him marooned on Sinner s Isle with only an enchanted chain meant to lead him to his heart s desire. Instead, he falls into the hands of a brazen (although) bewitching headache Rosa.
Together they must outwit each other and their enemies before the Offering ends and it s too late to escape the perils of Sinner s Isle.
A dazzling debut with magic, pirates, sea monsters, and a steamy star-crossed romance. Aiden Thomas, New York Times bestselling author of Cemetery Boys and The Sunbearer Trials
Rosalinda is trapped on Sinner s Isle, an island filled with young women like her Majestics, beautiful witches loathed by society for their dangerous magic yet revered by powerful men who want to use them.
For years, she has been kept under the watchful, calculating eye of Doña Lucia. Now eighteen, Rosa will be the prized commodity at this year s Offering, a fiesta for the wealthy to engage in drink, damsels, and debauchery. That is why she must flee before someone forces the vicious phantoms within her to destroy everything she touches.
Handsome, swashbuckling Mariano has long sailed the high seas as the Prince of Pirates. Then the king s fleet attacks his father s infamous ship, leaving him marooned on Sinner s Isle with only an enchanted chain meant to lead him to his heart s desire. Instead, he falls into the hands of a brazen (although) bewitching headache Rosa.
Together they must outwit each other and their enemies before the Offering ends and it s too late to escape the perils of Sinner s Isle.
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