Fourth wing - Tome 2
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Fourth wing - Tome 2

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Hugo Roman


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25 Bewertungen

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Perfekte Fortsetzung

Bewertung am 31.10.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2329855

Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Wow! Oft nenn ich es, dass man beim 2. Teil einer Reihe enttäuscht ist oder sich was anderes erhofft hatte aber hier nicht. Von der ersten bis zur letzen Seite war es unglaublich. Die Entwicklung der Charaktere und die Storyline waren einfach toll. Ich freu mich schon so auf den 3. Teil und kann diese Reihe wirklich jedem empfehlen, der Hype hat es definitiv verdient.

Perfekte Fortsetzung

Bewertung am 31.10.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2329855
Bewertet: Buch (Gebundene Ausgabe)

Wow! Oft nenn ich es, dass man beim 2. Teil einer Reihe enttäuscht ist oder sich was anderes erhofft hatte aber hier nicht. Von der ersten bis zur letzen Seite war es unglaublich. Die Entwicklung der Charaktere und die Storyline waren einfach toll. Ich freu mich schon so auf den 3. Teil und kann diese Reihe wirklich jedem empfehlen, der Hype hat es definitiv verdient.


Outstanding!! Ausgezeichnet!!

Bewertung am 20.08.2024

Bewertungsnummer: 2271907

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

To begin, reading this book and its predecessor, "Fourth Wing," is akin to experiencing an adventure movie. The captivating plot and well-developed characters are skillfully interwoven into a thrilling, magic-oriented adventure. Recommend to read the series. The author To commence, reading this book and its antecedent, "Fourth Wing," is akin to experiencing an adventure film. The engaging plot and well-developed characters are skillfully intertwined into a thrilling, magic-oriented adventure. I recommend reading the series. The author's work is commendable, and I am confident that readers will be intrigued and engrossed until the conclusion, as I was.

Outstanding!! Ausgezeichnet!!

Bewertung am 20.08.2024
Bewertungsnummer: 2271907
Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

To begin, reading this book and its predecessor, "Fourth Wing," is akin to experiencing an adventure movie. The captivating plot and well-developed characters are skillfully interwoven into a thrilling, magic-oriented adventure. Recommend to read the series. The author To commence, reading this book and its antecedent, "Fourth Wing," is akin to experiencing an adventure film. The engaging plot and well-developed characters are skillfully intertwined into a thrilling, magic-oriented adventure. I recommend reading the series. The author's work is commendable, and I am confident that readers will be intrigued and engrossed until the conclusion, as I was.


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Iron Flame

von Rebecca Yarros


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Aslihan Barutcu

OSIANDER Sigmaringen

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A Masterpiece!

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Well, that was just beyond good... I loved the first book "Forth Wing" in the Empyrean Series so much, that I couldn´t wait for putting my hands on Iron Flame. It was just fabulous. A page-turner with Plot-Twists and beautiful, enjoyable characters. I must admit that I enjoyed the first book more but Iron Flame was also great. I can´t wait for the third book in the series, Rebecca Yarros is just torturing us with her cliffhangers. :( A definitive must-read! :)
  • Aslihan Barutcu
  • Buchhändler/-in

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A Masterpiece!

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

Well, that was just beyond good... I loved the first book "Forth Wing" in the Empyrean Series so much, that I couldn´t wait for putting my hands on Iron Flame. It was just fabulous. A page-turner with Plot-Twists and beautiful, enjoyable characters. I must admit that I enjoyed the first book more but Iron Flame was also great. I can´t wait for the third book in the series, Rebecca Yarros is just torturing us with her cliffhangers. :( A definitive must-read! :)

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Lisa Schneider

Thalia Osiander Konstanz – LAGO Shopping-Center

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Welcome back to Basgiath War College

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

I loved Iron Flame just as much as Fourth Wing, this is not your typical filler book. It continues to be thrilling, brutal, romantic, humorous and is filled with more plottwists. The amazing world building is expanded in this book, there is so much information about the world and its history. Tairn continues to be my favorite character, his moodiness and sassiness make me wish for a chapter in his POV. I need book 3 immediately, because this book also ends in a devastating cliffhanger...
  • Lisa Schneider
  • Buchhändler/-in

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Welcome back to Basgiath War College

Bewertet: Buch (Taschenbuch)

I loved Iron Flame just as much as Fourth Wing, this is not your typical filler book. It continues to be thrilling, brutal, romantic, humorous and is filled with more plottwists. The amazing world building is expanded in this book, there is so much information about the world and its history. Tairn continues to be my favorite character, his moodiness and sassiness make me wish for a chapter in his POV. I need book 3 immediately, because this book also ends in a devastating cliffhanger...

Meinungen aus unserer Buchhandlung

Iron Flame

von Rebecca Yarros

0 Rezensionen filtern

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  • Fourth wing - Tome 2